New PC Build

The last time I built a PC was before the pandemic, in upstate, before we moved down to Long Island. Before that it was way back in England before we moved to America. The last PC I built I couldn’t decide how much I would use it, and so I stayed fairly mid-range too, whereas this time I had more of a sense that I would make a lot of use of the machine.

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Yesterday we had to say goodbye to Obi, our family pet. He joined us in upstate and has been a big part of our lives since then. Devastated to say he didn’t make it to eight years old, last Friday it became clear that the medication to help with a chronic condition simply was not working. The vet gave him something to help him for a few weeks maybe, but even that only had a moderate effect.

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Generating User Interfaces: Convenience and Utility

I recently attended a talk about generating user interfaces from Python, I have fought for and against doing this in various projects. I have also seen places where it really helps and other places where it was a huge detriment (at least in my opinion). The talk got me thinking about how many times how many of us have written our interface generation. At times we also talk about reuse and whether it is worth reusing another approach versus writing our own.

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Target Property Based Modern CMake

Something an old mentor told me to never do is call a thing “Modern …” as you can guarantee someone will be chuckling in 10-20 years. I can neither confirm nor deny that I found myself sitting at my desk at gone 1am immersing myself in what “Modern CMake” was exactly, and what I wanted to apply to the Avogadro build system. It seems to have its nucleation in about 2017 where I find a number of posts, talks, etc.

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The Phantom of the Opera

And now for something completely different - the Phantom of the Opera! Last year we had family over for a few weeks, it was lots of fun and it ended with a few days in New York City. We took them to a lot of the great tourist attractions and I realized our hotel was right next to the Majestic theatre where the Phantom of the Opera was showing. I studied this as a child in school, but our trip to go and see it was canceled.

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Compiler Warnings and Avogadro

When we started the Avogadro project we were quite deliberate in what compiler warnings we added, and in keeping them to zero wherever possible. These last few years I have not been as involved, CDash has gone away and the warnings no longer show up on a dashboard with the same visibility. Today I started off wanting to look at some other things but realized that there are too many compiler warnings to notice new ones I might introduce.

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Modern CMake and Avogadro

Not that I am counting, but this is day six. I thought that there was a good chance I wouldn’t make it today as I had a few other commitments but here we are. When I first designed Avogadro’s build system I made it as modern as I could at the time, and then reluctantly wasn’t as aggressive as I might have liked in pushing the minimum version higher for modern CMake features.

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PIMPL, Stability and C++ Libraries

So, day five! I have had a lot rattling around my head these past few years, and I have missed the more informal style of personal blog posts. Today I updated my system and Qt upgraded from 6.4 to 6.5 and the porting I have been working on in Avogadro was completely unaffected! This is one of the things I admire the most about the Qt project, for as long as I can remember (going back to the 3.

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Avogadro, VTK Charts and Parenting

So, day four, I now don’t want to end my blogging streak but it will surely come to and end soon. This is not my random tips on parenting of children, although I do try do do that as well as I can, it is more the Qt parenting. In Qt all QObject derived classes, including the widgets typically used in graphical user interfaces like Avogadro, have a concept of a parent and its children.

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Avogadro Development and Porting to Qt 6

I don’t post anything in years and then get on a three day streak!?! Don’t expect this all the time, but I have been missing having an outlet, especially for more technical stuff as I work on it. Today I woke up and wanted to make a start on getting Avogadro ported over to Qt 6, while ideally continuing to support Qt 5.15 for at least a while. Qt 5 is end of life and it is something that has been bugging me wanting to take a pass at updating the code base.

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